Thursday, September 11, 2008

HIgh heels

I am a true believer in heels for women!
They put you on a pedestal which is where you belong.
Select the highest and most expensive pair you can wear for a function---
and learn how to walk in them first!
"You have to spend money to make money" Invest in good shoes and wait for the cocktail and dinner invites to pour in!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


The higher the better! The more expensive the better- yes ladies quality truly does count here. "One shoe can change your life" quote from Cinderella!
"Is is impossible to be well dressed in cheap shoes" Sir Hardy Amies

Monday, September 8, 2008

Stylish while being late

I do not think being late is stylish at all personally. I do think it is plain rude..however it sometime happens (more often it seems to some people than others) if you are stuck in this situation-- offer a sincere apology... offer compliments "How nice to see you- you look devine" then go on to comment about the weather or the traffic.
If you are very late- follow above- hint at some personal drama then take the attention away from yourself by engaging in the present conversation " So what have I missed ?
If terrible late you can borrow a line from Marilyn Monroe .......modified of course..her line was
"I have often been on calendars but never on time" your line could be...
"Gosh, I have never been on the cover of a calendar and I suppose also never on time!"
Ladies though try to never be so rude- be on time!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Perfume-Phase Two

After you are dressed- reapply your perfume in a spray and walk through it so the scent adheres to your clothes- you will not be over perfumed!
Hint- you can layer your scents so phase one and two need not be the same!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

HIgh heels


Perfume Phase One

When getting dressed remember to spray or dab you perfume on your bare skin while you are applying your make-up- any where you think you may get kissed later is a good start!