Sunday, June 22, 2008

Bread and drink at Dinner

I have been at far too many lunches and dinners and noticed way too many women do not know which is their bread plate and use theirs neighbours instead.... causing confusion around the table and leaving someone looking and feeling --well rather stupid.
(If this happens to you- best be discreet and ask the wait staff to bring you another plate- or simply do not have a bun--- better for your 'buns' to pass on the bread buffet anyway.
This is very simple and should be taught in kindergarten-- as even they will remember.
Take your left hand and curl your forefinger and thumb togethere and straighten out your remaining fingers, now do the the same on your right hand.... voila!
Your left hand looks like a "B"= bread hand
Your right hand looks like a "D"- drink hand-
so now you will always remember which is your bread plate and which glass of water/wine is for you!

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